
Terms of Business

Terms of Business for Authorised Intermediaries

Download a copy of the Terms of Business


Target Market Data

Request Target Market Data through receipt of the European MiFID II file template (EMT)

  • Email your request to please state:
    • Subject Line: European MiFID II file template (EMT)
    • Authorised firm name:
    • Contact Name:
    • List of Funds / Classes required:
    • Email Address:
    • Contact Number:

Once we have validated your details we will add you to the distribution list for these fund updates.

Alternatively, you can download the current EMT below


EMT's for Waystone Management (UK) Limited - Previously Link Fund Solutions

EMT's for Waystone Management (UK) Limited - Previously Waystone Fund Services

EMT's for Trojan Funds (Ireland)

EMTs for Waystone Management (UK) Limited

Enhanced Costs and Charges Disclosures